Sunday, March 30, 2008

Best Day!

So yesterday morning Jordan left for school and I pondered wether or not I was up for running errands with Sammy.  I got us ready to go and then just sat down to think it all through.  At that moment my mom called and asked me if I had had a break this week.  The answer was "no".  So she told me to bring Sammy to her house and to go do whatever I wanted and not to rush back.  Thank you my wonderful mother!!!!!!!  I was so excited.  Sammy was dropped off 30 minutes later and I was on my way.  First stop, Babies r Us.  Sippy cup valves, sippy cups, bowl with suction bottom and scented bags for dirty diapers.   Second stop, Marshalls.  No good reason, just love to browse there.  Third stop, Borders.  Sat down with a pile of gossip rags and had a good time.  Fourth stop, Wal-mart.  Walked slowly as I got my groceries.  I typically am struggling to keep Sammy from tearing open bags of things or wanting to hold two of something.  My main objective on a normal shopping trip is to go as quickly as I can without having goldfish spill on the floor or having to remove a plastic produce bag from my sons head.  So needless to say yesterdays trip was far more relaxing.  Fifth stop, Taco Bueno.  I splurged and got a beef taco salad.  I usually go for the the .79 party burrito, but today I was treating myself.  Sixth stop, HOME.  I unloaded my groceries quickly and then sat down to eat.  I found myself shoveling the food down my throat coming up for air only when absolutely necessary.  I soon realized though that I only had to feed myself and I could take my time.  So I slowed to a normal pace and finished my food while I watched a show in TOTAL PEACE.  Seventh stop, my mom's house.  I picked up Sammy and begged God all the way home that he would go down for a nap without any trouble.  The last several days he has had major separation anxiety and has cried for up to an hour when I put him down for a nap.  Thankfully my sweet boy fell asleep on the way home and transfered to his bed perfectly.  Seventh and final stop, my bed.  I collapsed on my bed and proceeded to sleep for 2 hours.  This was one of the best days ever!  It was great because it was unexpected and because I was hitting that point where I really needed some "me" time and somehow my mom sensed it, or God told her I needed it.  

Having a child is the most rewarding thing I have ever known.  But, I have come to realize that in order to keep your experience a positive one you need to make time for yourself.  I miss Sammy even when I leave him with Jordan, and it took me a while to be ok with leaving him for long periods of time.  But once I did, I saw how necessary it was for my own well-being.  So a word to you mommies.....take time for yourself every once in a while, and don't feel guilty about it in the slightest.

Friday, March 28, 2008

So today was my little brother Joey's birthday.  He turned 19 and I thought it only appropriate to make him a hand puppet card out of a brown paper lunch bag.  It is the spitting image of him (although his hair is significantly shorter now than in the picture)!  He pretty much just grabbed the cash from the puppets money pouch and gave me a small chuckle in regards to the puppet itself.  I think I was more impressed with my card making skills than he was.  Either way, Happy Birthday Joe!

We had dinner tonight with Jordan's parents at El Fenix!  Yummmmm!!!!  Sammy was a doll baby the whole time which was a little surprising considering he's 2.  He is feeling quite a bit better today which was probably a contributing factor.  But also the fact that he LOVES Mexican food AND he had his "Little Einsteins" 
figurines in tow helped the meal go smoothly as well. 

I realize todays post is a bit bland....I apologize.  I am now going to give Sammy a bath, put him to bed, heat up a sopapilla  (thank you Marshall and Kay!) and watch "What Not to Wear".  I am looking forward to it! 

 Nighty-night my faithful followers!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So our little monkey is sick again.   Poor baby!  This time it seems to be a stomach virus.  Thankfully he is being somewhat pleasant about the whole ordeal despite the throwing up and icky diapers.  Talking about it is making me a little queazy......I can't get sick!!!!  

So I met with a friend  last night and we have decided to start an orphan/adoption ministry at our church(  We are starting with putting in place an adoption fund run through Lifesong (  This organization maintains the fund, and screens the applicants.  That way my friend and I are not getting a hold of personal information from people in the church.  We are also going to try to organize quarterly outreach opportunities for children in the foster system as well as the orphanage system and provide support groups for those who are in the process or have already adopted.  Our goal is to one day have a program like Irving Bible Church ( has.  Anyway, we are setting up a meeting with our pastor to go over our short term and long term goals.  We are really excited about this and feel like the heartbeat of the Church as a whole should be to support orphans.  I keep being drawn to the verse in James 1:27- religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation.  
There is so much that a person can do besides adopt a child and we want to bring awareness of those things to our congregation.  This will be a big job, but we feel like God is leading us to do it so we have no choice but to climb on board.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I can't believe I finally caved.....

and started a blog! This is soooo not me, but I am learning to branch outside of my "norm" and see how the other people live. All or most of the girls from our adoption forum have blogs and I started feeling left out. There must be something to this blogging thing. I warn you all that what I have to say each day may in fact bore you. My days consist of feeding Sammy, playing with Sammy, changing Sammy's diapers, bathing Sammy, and so on. I love doing these things, but few people like to hear about it. There is the evening television lineup that might peak your interest. Once my little man goes to bed I treat myself to the following shows and will more than likely give you updates on each. "The Office", "Top Chef", "The Hills" (no, I am not 16, and yes, I am secure enough with myself to admit my childish addiction to MTV), "One Tree Hill" and "LOST". "The Office" reminds me to be thankful that I don't work a desk job anymore, but also makes me miss partaking in practical jokes. "Top Chef" inspires me to cook something other than spaghetti and tacos. "The Hills" allows me to appreciate the fact that I know where I am going in life and I am not wandering aimlessly through the streets of LA trying to "find myself". "One Tree Hill" ..........I don't really's just a good show. And "Lost", oh my dear sweet "Lost". Where would I be without you? My brain would be mush! "Lost" stimulates my brain activity! I think the hardest when I watch that show.