Today was the day we got Emigration Permission for Sammy. Yes, Emigration NOT Immigration. The one with the "E" is permission to leave the country. "I" is permission to enter the country. So today Sammy received permission to leave Korea! This was only three days after we got the letter from USCIS saying that he was cleared for his Visa! All we needed now was Sammy's passport to be issued and then he needed to see the doctor one last time so he could receive travel clearance. So in adoption lingo, we had EP(Emigration Permission) but still needed PP(Passport) and TC(Travel Clearance). The timeframe given between EP to PP was about two weeks. Then the timeframe given between PP and TC was 2-4 weeks. I had heard that there was a group of people from Dillon going to Korea for a Birthland Tour in mid June. It was a normal occurrence for these families to escort babies who had travel clearance back to the US . I started praying that Sammy would have travel clearance in time and could make it on the Homeland Tours flight home. It was a longshot, but I knew that with God nothing was impossible. They were coming back June 20th.......

This was a picture we received of Sammy before he came home. It was blurry, but we could still see that he was a happy and beautiful baby.
has there ever been a cuter baby. notice that there wasn't a question mark at the end of that sentence...that was deliberate.
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