Were are officially waterlogged! Wednesday we spent a couple of hours at the "Rainforest". For those of you who don't live in the area, this is a little kid sized water park. The water is only 6-8 inches deep and there are slides and fountains and all sorts of fun kid things. Last year Sammy was still a little too small to really appreciate it, but I had a feeling that this year would be different. And it was! He LOVED it! For the first 30 minutes he would not let me put him down because he was a little concerned about the big bucket of water that poured down every 5 minutes. There was a big tube slide that he would sit in my lap and ride down which he thought was really cool (I think we rode down the slide 20+ times, no joke). They also have a miniature lazy river that we probably floated in for a least 30 minutes. He enjoyed sitting in the innertube like a big boy. He would occasionally lay his head on my shoulder and just cuddle while we floated. It was sweet mommy/son time. By the last 30 minutes or so he finally got brave and was doing everything on his own. He was marching up the stairs and the ramp towards the slide with all the big kids. There would be tiny Sammy and like 4-5 8 year olds running towards the slide. He would have gone down the slide alone but I was afraid he would flip around in the dark tunnel and hit his head. There were also these huge metal waterguns that were affixed to these towers you could climb up. He was marching up the stairs to the towers and squirting the guns at the kids below. Too funny! All in all it was a blast! We decided that this will be a weekly treat. (sorry, no pictures from this day!)
Yesterday we met some friends at their neighborhood pool. I bought some floaties for Sammy's arms, but they wound up being too big (so big that he could not get his hand to his face to wipe away the water...it was really sad) and he had to switch with his cousin Emma. So, Emma had blue floaties and Sammy...well, he had pink. Daddy is not thrilled with the arrangement that was made, but we really had no choice. As reckless as Sammy can be I could not risk not having a floatation device on him. Although I have to say, I let go of him to see how well the floats worked....not so good people. His little face went right in to the water. If I was not there watching him he would have been far from safe. Anyway, we were at the pool for three hours and I feared that Sammy would have a horrible sunburn, but he just turned 3 shades browner instead. I on the other hand am more of a ripe tomato red. So not fair!!!!!!
Sammy in Emma's pink floaties....sorry Daddy!
Emma in Sammy's gigantic arm floaties
Ohhhh, this water is cooooold!

Beautiful brown Sammy and pasty white Mommy

mmmmm, CapriSun

Nothing like a piece of pizza after playing in the water!
thank you so much for documenting (for all to see) my son in pink floaties.
I think pink is charming! Probably because my son adores pink and purple - ssshh! So glad we got to see ya'll yesterday and that Sammy didn't burn. Hope your burn is soothed soon!
maybe it's the snorkling frogs in pink ballerina dresses that bothers me...
Love the pics! I can see how Sammy would have trouble with those blue ones - they are huge!
YvonneW from Dillon
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