Our Memorial Day/Daddy's birthday started out with Jordan and I giving Sammy a "Daddy Cut". It was not intentional, but the top of his hair got a little weird looking after we trimmed it so we kind of had no choice but to shave it off. He looks adorable though.

This is what happens when I ask Sammy to sit still for a picture. Silly kid!

First errand of the day was Frys where I thought I would look for a Little Einsteins DVD for Sammy. It is his favorite show of all time!!!! I had flipped through all the "L" videos and came up with nothing. I turned to Sammy saying "sorry buddy, no Einsteins". I looked down and realized he was holding one! Little stinker! I have no idea how he found it, but he did! He was so excited and studied the back of that DVD case like a big boy would. Notice if you will his leg crossed over his knee. It's his new sitting position. He looks 5 and it makes me want to cry.

Jordan and I started singing the Einsteins theme song and our little baby freaked out with excitement. It was almost more than he could handle.

My stomach hurts from laughing, but please don't stop!!!!

Beautiful Boy!

Then It was on to the Big Birthday Bash for Jordan, my brother John and myself at Grandma and Grandpa's. My Dad was sitting at the water faucet and would turn the sprinkler up and down when the kids would get close. A little cruel, but we all thought it was too funny to actually make him stop. Good thing Sammy digs the water.

Cousin Emma making an artsy moment of standing in the middle of the sprinkler. Strike a pose girl!

Auntie Danielle and friend Rachel in a serious game of "toss the volleyball"? Not quite sure what they were doing, but Sammy liked being in the middle of it.

Sammy mooching food off of Grandpa, but everything on his plate contained a pepper of some sort. Sammy was none to happy about that!
All in all the day was wonderful from start to finish. A lot was crammed in to it, but it was perfect. We celebrated Jordan and the gift that his life has been to me as his wife and the gift that his life has been to Sammy as his father. Sammy and I are blessed to have this man in our lives. The way he takes care of us and loves us is priceless. We were also able to take a moment and celebrate the lives that have been lost while fighting for the freedom that we all too often take for granted here in our country. I thought about the fact that we look at this day as a free vacation day, but there are families out there that take this day to visit the cemetery and grieve the loss of their loved one. We have no idea how fortunate we are to live in a country where our men AND women will voluntarily go and fight for our freedom. Wow!
Oh my goodness - when did your little baby turn into a little boy? I think it's the haircut - we first cut G's that way last summer (and now) and each time it literally makes me tear up! He is so precious! Happy belated b-day to Jordan!
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