Friday, April 18, 2008

Exciting News

My friend Kristin and I are going to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida May 1-3 for the Summit IV Christian Alliance For Orphans Conference.  It is basically a training seminar for churches who want to start an orphan/foster program. (  Kristin's sister has a condo out there so we will have someone to stay with AND someone to drive us around town.  We are totally pumped about all the wonderful breakout sessions as well as the free time we will have WITHOUT kids!  I love my baby more than words can say, but I feel like some time away will be good for me.  Kristin has four kids so I'm sure some time away will be nice for her too!  

Also, we sent our orphan ministry presentation to our pastor and he has given us the "thumbs up", but has a few questions.  We are going to sit down with him in person Monday so please pray that we can clearly answer the questions he has and that we will all feel united in our purpose by the end of the meeting.  I am excited to see how God is going to use this ministry in our church body and excited to see how my relationship with Christ will grown through this process as well.  Already He has given confirmation that we are on the right track.  You know the adoption fund we are wanting to start?  Well, Kristin's in-laws have already committed to give a generous donation once the fund is up and running!  It gave me chills when Kristin called to tell me this.  It was almost like God was nodding His head yes to what we are doing.   

Any of you have some tips on Ft. Lauderdale?  I've never been there before and I am not sure what to expect.


Micah and Sunny said...

cahThat is so awesome about the conference, sounds like you can learn some really valuable things. A weekend with no kiddos....wippee. The other day I told my husband that sometimes I liken them to the sweetest little leeches in the universe (hee hee). Love them with all my heart, they just can tend to suck me dry on the energy.

I am so glad that it sound like your church is going to start living out our calling to care for widows and orphans. I look forward to hearing more about it.

Thanks for your comments on my blog...aren't husbands funny? It is so amazing how God put us together because we really do balance each other out.


Jill said...

WOO-HOOO! Sounds like an amazing opportunity! I can't wait to hear the report! I am so proud of you for following God's calling and stepping out in faith.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled onto your blog and was excited to read about your heart for adoption and the start of the ministry in your church!

I work for a ministry called The ABBA Fund ( - we help Christian couples overcome the financial obstacles to adoption by providing interest-free loans. We also serve churches at no cost by administrating loan and grant funds.

I'd love to be a resource for you in any way we can. We will be at the Summit as well and would love to connect.

Feel free to email me at jason [at] abbafund [dot]org if you have any questions!

Blessings in Christ!