Ok, so it's seriously been MONTHS since I last posted. I knew this would happen. I tend to tire of things quickly. Not a trait I am proud of, but let's just be honest here. I don't know how I could possibly catch everyone up on the last several months so I am going to give you the very, very short version....ok? :)
Jordan is still in school and maintaing a 4.0! He is taking A&P 2 this semester and hoping to ace that class as well. He will apply to Nursing School this Summer and if accepted (which he will be) then he will begin Nursing School in the Spring of 2010. He is still working his full time job but has now added a part time job.....Worship Pastor at our church. Once he begins Nursing School he will drop the full time job and we will then live on the part time church job. We take comfort in knowing that God is in control because otherwise I would be freaking out trying to wrap my brain around living on a part time salary.
Sammy is still as vivacious and full of life as ever!!!! He has the best sense of humor and still possess the ability to light up a room as soon as he walks in. He turned 3 on January 29th and had super cool Pirate Party! Jordan taught him how to close one eye and pump one arm up and down while saying "arggggg". It has got to be one of the funniest/cutest things I have ever laid eyes on. He had several of his little buddies come play with him at ASI Gymnastics. They jumped on the trampolines and played in the foam pit. Then we had Pirate cupcakes! A friend and I made the cupcakes and they turned out sooooo cute!!!!!!!

Sammy continued speech therapy this year with ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) until he turned 3. Once a child turns 3 they are then referred to the school district. So in January we began the evaluation process with them. We fully expected Sammy to qualify for speech therapy due to his very delayed speech, but we were in for a surprise. Through a series of evaluations and discussions the district determined that Sammy was Autistic. At the time the news was devastating. We didn't know how to feel or what to think. It seemed that our world was spiraling out of control. All we had planned for Sammy's future seemed like it was falling apart. I had about a week of crying and trying to cope with the news. But, God has been faithful to just wrap us up with His peace and guide us through this process. We can already see how He has paved the way for us and taken care of each and every detail. Here is just a sampling of what He has done-
-provided a sensitive and understanding evaluation team all of whom were moms.
-placed us in the district that has one of the best Autism programs in the country. People move from other states to our district JUST for the Autism programs.
-provided an opening at the school that has the best teacher and aids AND happens to be exactly 3 minutes from our house.
-got Sammy qualified for the program that is 3 teachers to 6 students! Almost like private therapy. And it's free!!!!!!! If done privately, this kind of care could cost up to 40K a year.
-and most importantly, God has reminded us that to wish Sammy wasn't Autistic would be to wish that he wasn't who he is. Does that make sense? The things that they said were signs of Autism are some of the things that we love most about this kid. To take all those things away would be taking away the spunk and energy that defines this little boy. We love who he is and who he will become. His teachers are convinced that he will do fantastically in this program and feel he will transition to regular Kindergarten just fine. They see that he is smart and learns quickly and have said they are so excited about teaching him and watching him learn. He had his first day of school on Friday and did great! Miss Amy said that she was proud of him and he was a great addition to their classroom.
Sammy's first day of school
Walking down the hall to his classroom with Miss Amy.
Me? Well, let's see......what's going on with me????? I am still working on the orphan ministry at my church. Things are moving a little slowly, but we all have kids and families that come first. It's just really hard to find time for much else. But, we are plugging away and always looking for a project to work on. I am also trying to figure out what I am going to do with myself now that Sammy is in school everyday ALL day. I sort of feel like I have lost my purpose, ya know? My plan was to stay at home with him until Kindergarten. I was supposed to have 2 more years! So, now I am scrambling to find my new identity. In a few weeks I'm sure I will fall into a routine and this new life will feel normal, but for now it just feels odd. Can't really explain it. Just odd.
I am still planing to travel to Africa sometime in the spring with my friends who will be picking up their sweet little girl and taking her home forever!!!!! I am so excited to have been given the opportunity share this journey with them. I can't wait to hold all the babies at the orphanage and play with the older children. I am so looking forward to it!
I think that's the long and short of it folks. I will try to keep you posted on our life a little more often. Darn Facebook has sort of taken the place of blogging....at least for me. :)